Ava in Chubby Twats - XL Girls

Channel: XL Girls

College students get more than enough of their share of booty calls and spontaneous, post-date sex. Take Ava, for example, in this encounter from the DVD Chubby Twats. She's in that stage of life when the hormones are in such high gear that they can't get pumped out fast enough so she's always in a state of horniness and ready for fucking at the drop of a bra. There's no planning, no thinking, no arrangements. After her date tonight, Ava just feels the urge to enjoy cock, like a toy, to suck and fuck. It's a good thing for her date that he decided to hang out for a few minutes. Now he can enjoy sucking and fucking her tits all night. While he's got her. The slightest touch and her body catches fire. Going out with busty college girls has its immense advantages.
