Even Geeks Deserve Huge-Titted Women - XL Girls

Channel: XL Girls

Office sex. A dicey situation. But nothing's too dicey for XLGirls.com when it comes to fucking the big-titted boss. Especially when the boss is the amazing Charlie Cooper in our passion play, "Even Geeks Deserve Huge Titted Women" aka "Beauty And The Dweeb." The office nerd is constantly abused at work. The hot chick laughs at him. The slick office bully abuses him. But manager Charlie Cooper comes to the rescue of this 98 pound weakling and takes him to her office for a sweet pep talk about manning up. The instinct to mother and smother geek-boy comes to the forefront as they talk in private. Charlie literally lets her hair down and subtly throws her prodigious cleavage in his face. (Amazing cleavage, we must emphasize.
