More Bounce To The Ounce With Helen Star - XL Girls

Channel: XL Girls

Helen Star was drawn to the bedroom's mirrored closet door. The builder that placed it there opposite the bed thinks like we do. Some of the awesome breast bouncing action was shot in slow motion. "The guys love to see me and Erin bounce our boobs," said Helen, who's got a black belt in breast play, as does her sister. "Both women and men admire us. We can't go anywhere without getting attention, even when we wear loose clothes. "They don't talk much, but their facial expressions say what they're thinking. Some of them have looks on their faces like, 'I can't believe what I am seeing!' The women get jealous. You can tell by the looks on their faces." Helen and Erin are Romanian idols at this point. Now and then, an email or a letter arrives, the writer shocked that there are two girls built like this in the same family, but it's all in the genes so the writer shouldn't be surprised. The Star sisters have another sister with big boobs but no modeling aspirations at this time. Read More »
