Teacher's Pet - XL Girls

Channel: XL Girls

Kamryn Monroe (Heavy Hangers on DVD) says her life is boring back home. Inviting her to Miami got her out of the house and into ours, the House of XL Girls where busty dreamgirls like to play and like being watched while they play. Sexy to the max with a voice to match (a guy could whack just to her phone sex voice alone), Kamryn says the most fun thing she's ever done is camming. "Hands down!" says Kamryn, no pun intended. "Was I the bustiest girl in school? I was the bustiest girl everywhere!" says the beautiful 42DDD Bostonian. She loves attention and getting attention is easy for Kamryn. She just puts on a low-cut top or a dress and boom! Instant attention. "I love attention. I'm a huge flirt. I love to wear short dresses.
